
I have acquired a broad set of skills over the years, with a main focus on coding, back-end development, and web servers. But, I am also interested in front-end, including ux and ui design. My education at KEA has sharpened my front-end focus.


  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. SASS
  4. Regular Expressions
  5. React
  6. JavaScript + Babel
  7. PHP
  8. OOP
  9. SQL
  10. CLI scripting
  11. AutoIt
  12. JQuery
  13. Bootstrap
  14. CSV files
  15. SVG
  16. Python


  1. Nextcloud
  2. Drupal
  3. Wordpress
  4. phpBB


  1. Apache
  2. Postfix
  3. MySQL


  1. Linux
  2. Windows
  3. Vegas Pro
  4. Kdenlive
  5. Handbrake
  6. OBS
  7. Gimp
  8. Paint.NET
  9. Adobe Photoshop
  10. Adobe Premiere
  11. Adobe Illustrator
  12. Adobe InDesign
  13. Eclipse
  14. Visual Studio Code
  15. Git
  16. LibreOffice
  17. Microsoft Office
  18. VirtualBox


  1. AWS
  2. Azure
  3. DigitalOcean


  1. Responsive design
  2. DRY
  3. Graceful degradation
  4. Semantic HTML